Monday 27 October 2014

Notes on 28 Days Later

  • The film starts off with cctv footage of rioting and lots of bad behaviour around the globe. All we can hear is diegetic sounds of all the events/someone talking on a mic. As it zooms out a non-diegetic sad sounding music kicks in, this is as we see a monkey that is being tortured. We start feel bad for the monkey.
  • The disruption could be argued that it is when the gang of people break into the scientists lab in the opening sequence. As they start to watch the tapes and see that the monkeys are being tortured, sad sounding non-diegetic sound kicks in for a few seconds. 
  • When the scientist screams at the monkey being let out, we get lots of dietetic sounding screams of the monkey and humans quickly cut together. Clearly showing panic and rage as the scientist says. This is foreshadowing what is to come. We are left with the sound of one of the monkeys banging the cage right up until the opening titles. This also connotes rage and pandemic. Something this sound shows. 

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