Thursday, 26 September 2013

Short film idea - proposal

Short film idea


Whenever a film or television show is going to be produced a proposal needs to be written up first. The purpose of a proposal is to explain the concept of the film. The point of this is because the proposals aim is to get funding for the production. So it gets sent off to producers who read the concept of the film and if they like the idea they will put funding into the project to get it produced. A proposal also includes the company name, the intended audience and the working title as well as any major creative participants in the project.

My proposal

Working title: Lose Your Mind
Company name: SceneItSam Productions
Intended audience: 15-30 year olds
Contact: South Essex College


The focus of my short film is on an 18 year old boy called Luke who lives on his own in a flat and he has a part time job in the local supermarket. Luke has nothing going for him in life because he is addicted to a video game called Law Breaker. He is so addicted to this video game that he plays it every waking moment apart from when he's at work. Luke has attached himself so much to the game that his family and friends don't want to know him. This is all because it has affected his personality in a violent and aggressive way making him a misery to be around. The final straw was failing his A levels so his parents kicked him out of the house.

The problem with Luke is that when he comes off the game he still feels like life is like a game and this has made him see life in a bad and scarier way. Luke desperately wants to stop playing the game but the more he plays it the less he feels he wants to stop. But Luke is made to choose between his video game and a real life situation when he has to do overtime at work until 12 and then he has to lock up. However the store is robbed by a gang of youths while he's locking up. Does he use his gaming abilities to save the day or does he get home and play his game?

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