Thursday 12 September 2013

Media Production - production stages of a short film

There are three stages of production when making a short film, film, television show, music video etc.

The first stage of production is called the pre-production stage. This is where all the planning is done so that you are fully prepared for the shoot. Components of pre-production planning are writing the script, storyboarding every shot, contingency planning, organising location, casting the actors and planning what each actors costume will be. We looked at a short film called Sign Language , while watching this short film we discussed and made notes on what pre-production planning the director would have needed to do before making the film.

The second stage of production is the production stage. This is the stage where all the shots and scenes are filmed. There can be many takes of just one shot or scene just to make sure that the director is happy with what he has filmed. The production stage also includes making sure that all sound has been recorded properly so that it can be heard clearly when watching it.

The third and final stage of production is the post-production stage. This is where all the editing is taken place in which each shot is put together and appropriate transitions are added in. The post production stage also involves adding in any special effects or visual effects (VFX) as well as making sure all the lighting is correct and doesn't look bad on the screen. 

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