Friday, 27 September 2013

Short film idea - the treatment stage

What is a treatment
The treatment is the stage after the proposal and it is the development of your idea from the proposal, it also outlines a rough idea of the personnel who will be involved in the production. As well as this the treatment also includes an indication of the size and content of the product, initial script/structure of storyline, estimated cost of production and a contingency plan which is a back up plan in case anything goes wrong.  In the treatment there should also be a section on talent. This section should include who's doing what in every role, for example the actors, the director and  the producer. There should also be a clear understanding of how your film will look and everyone who is going to be involved.

Treatment for my short film 

The concept for my short film focuses of the theme of addiction and more broadly video game addiction. The main character is a boy named Luke who is desperately battling to free himself of the video game Law Breaker and to adapt to normal life again. However the only problem is that he treats his whole life outside the game as a video game too. This has cost him his friends and his family to leave him. However his chance at escaping this soul destroying addiction has come and he has to make the choice as to whether stop a gang of youths from robbing the local supermarket in which he works at or whether to go straight home and play Law Breaker. Luke luckily makes the right decision and decides to use his gaming skills to stop the robbers and get the money back while freeing himself of his gaming addiction.

Outline of initial script

My script will probably cover about 15 pages. This is because there isn't that much dialogue and only about 15 minutes is dialogue so therefore there will only be around about 15. However the limit may be a page or two over 15 because of the scene description and 'CUT TO:' cues.

Script structure:

First scene/opening sequence -  The first section of the script will be a description of scene one which is Luke in his flat and the title sequence with all the onscreen graphics.

Second scene -  The second section of the script will be Luke in a counselling session with his parents. There will be some dialogue in this scene in which Luke is lying on a couch not listening to the counsellor while playing on his Playstation portable. The counsellor will have the most dialogue and his parents will have some dialogue. They have a very minimal role to the short film.

Third scene - The third section in the script structure is Luke on his way home from the counselling session. He is seen still playing on his portable gaming device. He walks in a girl and she shouts at him. There will be a little bit of dialogue in this section.

Fourth scene - In the fourth section of the script the scene taking place is the store robbery. This will involve Luke packing up from work when suddenly he hears a break in and a load of voices.

Fifth scene-  The fifth section of the script is chase scene in which Luke chases after the robbers. And Luke has a couple of pages of dialogue in which he is talking to himself and shouting at the robbers.

Sixth scene - The last section of the script is the final scene of my short film in which Luke catches the robbers and they run off in fright at him. This part of the script will involve dialogue from Luke and his parents as well as his friends. The final line will be from the character Luke.

Size and content

My short film will have a running time of approximately 20 minutes (tbc). Lose Your Mind is so far the working title of my short film and it will have one main character called Luke and there will also be a counsellor, his parents and 4 or 5 extras playing the robbers and the general public.

Estimated cost of production

My production will cost very little as I have set myself a very minimum budget. This is because the actors won't be getting paid and any props used will be borrowed or provided by myself or the actors. However I will set a budget of £10 for cheap props which can be purchased at a charity shop or can be bought at a Pound stretcher. I will also budget out an extra £25 for travel costs. Although that probably won't cover the cost it will reduce the actors cost by a small minimum. Due to the fact that my short film is a student film I will not be spending out any more money therefore the cast and crew will need to bring a small amount of money to buy lunch up the high street or alternatively they can bring their own food.

The equipment hire will be £0 because all the equipment I get will be hired out at the college for free and if an additional camera is needed or for any reason there is a problem with the college equipment I will provide my own video camera which I have.


My film won't be using many actors but my main character Luke will either be played by someone from the performing arts department or a friend or relative who is up for the short film role. My other main extras roles will either be yet again part of  the performing arts department or friends and family. My film is going to look like a normal coming of age drama about  a lazy boy who has nothing going for him. My short film will take on a similar look to the Channel 4 television show Fresh Meat. The actors will all wear their own clothes so to maintain  a no costs budget. I myself will be taking on the directorial, editor and producer duties.

Contingency plan

If for any reason that when the production starts that there are missing probs etc I will try and borrow some off of friends or if that doesn't succeed I will buy it cheaply at nothing more than £5. My short film doesn't involve any expensive props if many props at all so this shouldn't be a problem. However it is important that I highlight in the early pre-production stage that there could be possible problems with the props causing a problem with the short film.  Another problem which could occur with my short film is that one of the actors could fall ill during the shooting period. If this problem occurs I will re-cast their role to someone else.  If its only temporary I will work around their absence. This yet again should not be a massive problem.

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