Thursday 9 January 2014

Expansion task

Factual programming, news and documentary

There are many different UK news sites, a few of these are;

  • BBC News UK

  • Daily Mail

  • The Guardian

  • Sky News UK

Each of these news sites are all identifying large news stories which surrounds most conversation on the site. The Guardians main article on the 13th of December is the Nigella Lawson court case in which there dis a dispute over illegal drug use and her assistants defrauding the household of over £500,000. 

The main story on BBC News UK is about the execution of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un's uncle. The article covers is execution and why he was executed. Reasons being for "acts of treachery". 

Sky News UK's main news article on the 13th of December is also over the execution of the uncle of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un. The article talks about his alleged crimes and how he was branded a "traitor" by the government. 

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