Thursday 27 March 2014

Different types of genres

Out of the bottle

A "wish" asked for by the hero or granted by another, and the need to be delivered from the ordinary. A "spell" which has rules. A lesson to be learned.

Golden Fleece

Every Golden Fleece has a "road" - spanning oceans, time or distance. It signifies growth of the characters. Every Golden Fleece has a team (or a buddy) who represents the things the hero doesn't have. Every golden Fleece has a 'prize' at the end.

Fool Triumphant

A 'fool' whose innocence is their strength and whose gentle manner means they are likely to be ignored. An 'establishment' the fool comes up against, into which they don't fit. A 'transmutation' in which the fool becomes something new.

Monster in the House

A "monster" with evil at its core. An enclosed space ("house") which could include a family unit or a town. A "sin". Someone is guilty of something, which invites the monster.

Golden Fleece Film Idea

Title - The Fall of Man

Cast - Bryan Cranston, Matthew Fox, Andrew Lincoln, Liv Tyler and Sarah Michelle Geller.

Genre - Post apocalyptic/thriller

Logline - As the planet is on the verge of destruction, three scientists with a cure must not only survive the apocalypse but mankind itself as they learn that their mistakes in causing the disaster have repercussions.

Monster in the House film idea

Title - Broken Line

Cast - Jessica Lange and Emilie de Ravin

Genre - Horror/drama

Logline - A deranged woman who gave her son up for adoption 10 years ago wants to be reunited again. So when she's told she can't see her son, things turn ugly. As her dark secret unravels, rejection isn't something she takes likely.

Thursday 20 March 2014

All Is Lost dialogue script - Re-write

EXT. Hanger - Night

Albert has been captured and tied up in an abandoned hangar. He has been blindfolded so he can't see anything. There are four men who are the Corone brothers, they are in their late 20s to early 30s. Rodger however is 42. They are tall and they all have dark brown hair. One is wearing a suit and the others are wearing leather jackets. They want revenge on what Albert did to their family. 

You're nothing more that uncivilised animals. What'd ya want with an old man like me? Because I'd rather die than give in, if thats what it'll take. 

Martin Corone the man in the suit rolls his sleeves up and takes his blazer and tie off. He rips the blindfold off of Albert.

Money doesn't always pay Albert, you think you can just


Ugh and I thought you'd be polite. Life, it's such a pretty thing isn't it? Old men like you should be hung. But now why would I want to do that when we know how to really kill you. Right to the core. 

You couldn't burn a mayfly. Sorry, once you've come out the cot then I will raise my hands and give in. 

You think you're f**king funny don't ya? Well here I thought Martin was funny, just turns out it was his suit.


I didn't ask you to speak did I Martin?

Rodger spits on Albert then right hook punches him in the face, blood flies out Albert's mouth. This is then followed by Martin who at first looks scared, but he continues to punch Albert in the stomach and then kicks the chair backwards. Rodger goes all up in his face.

Just give us the location of your earnings and we'll let you be on your way. Il be honest I want you dead, but what's the good of that? When I can enjoy seeing you suffer the loss of what you love. 


Once, my brother. Short little kid, thought he was hilarious. Well, to everyone but himself. Made a fool outta the whole family. We tried…we really did, after all he was our bro. And family always stick together. But he shamed us all, thinking he could grow up and become some pretentious prick who orders the entirety of the world around. 

He got it.

Now he never had the chance to learn, because he had to be eradicated before it was too late. You on the other hand have a choice. Lifes cached up with you old Albert boy. 

Mercy ain't the boss of us. We pride ourselves on the respect of the Corone's. Five generations of respectable rogues. And what are you? Ha, you're just a pathetic Black Tie Gang wannabe. Mocking us was never wise.  

You think some so called clever little anecdotes will change my mind? Pfft you really don't know me at all. Just kill me, be cleaner that way. 

Bore me later with your dusty old stories, wheres our money?

Why would I ever hand back my riches? It's fair game, you didn't have to play the fool. Play properly next time. Death is a way I'd much prefer. Because i'm the con, you are the subjects. 

He's had his chances. Bring her in.

George Corone drives into the hangar with a black van, Johnny and Martin open the back doors and drag a weak body next to Albert. She squeals and cries. Her hands are tied up and she is blindfolded. Blood drips from her arm. It is Albert's wife Mary.

Im dead already Albert (sobs) what's the point anyway?

Albert starts to cry at the realisation that it is his wife, he begs for them to let her go. 

Mary, MARY. I love you. It's going to be okay, trust me alright? Let her go………please. I'm begging you.

We have you where it hurts, how's it feel Albert? Here her squeals at the consequence of your actions. 

You know the deal, our money. Everything you have, tell us where it is and we'll let you live.


If you value your wife's life then you'll tell us.

Albert, Albert it's ok. I loved you, but I do not anymore. My life is nothing without you. But money is nothing without yours. Just let me die. I'm old anyway, I've been dead inside for years. I thought you escaped this world, but obviously you didn't. 

You can't kill…her..bu (sobs, can't finish his words)

Give us ya maneyy.

(long pause) 34 Acres Avenue, behind the lamppost there is a some concrete, underneath there, are four briefcases. My money. 

Now if we find out that you're lying, then there will be much worse to come. 

Let her go, she's no good to us now.

Albert is left tied up, he is distraught. Mary, at a struggle gets up and starts limping out. Martin pours petrol around the perimeter, as Mary is walking out Johnny shoots her three times. She collapses dead.

Albert starts screaming and crying.

All hail Corone.

Shouldn't make us wait Al, let it burn. 

Rodger squeezes Albert's cheek in sarcasm and then drops a match and sets alight the petrol in the hangar.

Dialogue script - third draft

The years haven't been pretty to Albert.

 Look…you’re not supposed to know about him.

Your uncle lived a lie. Never happy enough with what he's got. 

He's got pound signs for eyes, he was ravelled in mystery ever since I was born. Mum and dad refused to tell me that my un-philanthropic uncle robbed from the wealth of others.

Guess that seems fair though, you'd be too young to understand. Friends of my brothers, well people he knows. They know of Albert, better get his back covered. That's all I'm saying.


The Corones, a highly invested family. They have an expansively wealthy empire. Albert's a crook after all, and what do crooks do? They take from the big'uns, I heard that's exactly what he did to them. Lets just say they ain't the forgiving type.


Just stay out of their business, you’re no one to get involved. Talking stuff like that is never good. Families family, so they'll have me to answer to if so.


Alright, alright. But I just thought ya better know. In case, you know? It’d be heart breaking for your family if you lost him.

My uncle isn't exactly the family man. It's not like we meet up every week, I rarely see him. Now shut up about this. You're meant to keep quiet. If this gets out I know where to come.

Fine, cya later…mate. 

Dialogue script - Re-write

The years haven't been pretty to Albert

Why bring him up? Not your business to go messing with

He lived a lie that man, from what I know. Not happy enough with what he's got. Never enough ay.

He's got pound signs for eyes, he was ravelled in mystery ever since I was born. Mum and dad refused to tell me that my un-philanthropic uncle robbed from the wealth of others.

Guess that seems fair though, you'd be too young to understand. Friends of my brothers, well people he knows. They know of Albert, better get his back covered. That's all I'm saying.


The Corones, a highly invested family. They have an expansively wealthy empire. Albert's a crook after all, and what do crooks do? They thieve, I heard that's exactly what he did. Lets just say they ain't the forgiving type.

Why do you always get so involved? Stay out of peoples problems. Chatting rubbish was always your game. Families family, so you'll have me to answer to.

I'm sorry, just thought I'd make you aware of the repercussions that he might foresee. I'd hate to see you upset if he got in trouble.

My uncle isn't exactly the family man. It's not like we meet up every week, I rarely see him. Now shut up about this. You're meant to keep quiet. If this gets out I know where to come.

Fine, cya later…mate. 

Learning to write for particular characters

Stacey - 17, sarcastic

You're such a dick, no one likes you. Get out!

Uh, I just…just. I can't seem to say the words but I…I love you.

I need to get a life, this film is so shockingly boring it's funny.

Gladys - 52, bored, educated

I think it's time you leave now Mandy, when you learn to control your temper you can speak to me again. 

We've been through a lot, but il always love you Derek.

Can we switch DVDs, this isn't to my taste. 

Barney - 5, cheerful, confused

Lawrence has gone mummy, who took it?

Yummyyyyy, I love this din dins.

Pleaseee, but I don't get it. Tell meeee.  

Jack - Hard boiled cop

You better not be lying to me boy, il skin ya if I find out you a thief.

Hm, this dinner is better than usual. What cook you been dating ay Casey?

If I don't get the answers to all this mess then I won't be too pleased. Do you understand my orders?