Thursday 15 May 2014

TFOM - Recreating an image

For our single camera drama pre-production work, we picked an iconic image from a film. Our task was then to re create this image as best as we possibly could. We went in groups and picked an image, we then set up the studio as per the shot. Setting up the lighting levels so that it matched the image, we also had to position the camera so that it was in the correct angle and frame. The film we chose was Fight Club and below is the image we chose from the film.

This is the re-created shot which we put together in the studio. We had to set up the lighting so that it looked more white than actually bright, we also positioned the camera so that it was at a low angle shot,  making our re-creation of Brad Pitt look more authoritative. The way we achieved taking these images was by trying to different angles, so that we could fit the shot into the frame. We took various pictures until we were happy with what we completed. Below are a few of the images we took.

This exercise was useful as pre-production material for my single camera drama because it helped me to understand that any shot which I wish to shoot is achievable no matter how tricky it could be. It also helped because it gave me more skills in fitting a particular shot into a small frame. This is something which will come in handy while I'm shooting.

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